Dr. C. Anandharamakrishnan



Dr. C. Anandharamakrishnan



Specialization : Food Engineering

Dr. Anandharamakrishnan is presently the Director of the Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT), Thanjavur from 2016. Before being appointed as the Director of IIFPT he was Principal Scientist and Coordinator for the Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR) at CSIR-CFTRI. He is having more than two decades of experience in research and administration.

He obtained B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering from A.C. Tech, Anna University, Chennai, and completed M.Tech. at Anna University, Chennai. He has done his doctoral research in Chemical Engineering with a Specialization in Food Engineering at the Loughborough University of United Kingdom. During his Ph.D., he was awarded the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship Programme of Government of the United Kingdom.

His areas of research include the design of engineered nano and micro-scale delivery systems for the controlled and targeted release of food bioactive compounds, 3D food printing, engineered human dynamic gastrointestinal system and glycemic index studies, spray drying, and spray-freeze-drying of food products, and computational modeling of food processing operations.

Dr. Anandharamakrishnan is an active researcher with more than two decades of experience in research and administration. His research endeavors are well documented in the form of 160+ impact factor-publications with an average impact factor of 5.17, two International patents, and seven Indian patents. He is also the author and editor of 10 books and 68 book chapters published by coveted publishers. He has supervised 13 Ph.D. theses and more than 50 bachelor’s and master’s theses.

Dr. Anandharamakrishnan is the elected Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Fellow of Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), Fellow of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India) –AFST(I), and the Institute of Engineers (FIE). He serves as the Associate Editor of International Journal of Food Engineering, Academic Editor of PLOS ONE Journal, International Editorial Advisory Board member for Drying Technology Journal, Editorial Board member of Journal of Food Process Engineering and various international journals, apart from being a peer reviewer for more than 20 International journals. He is a member of several professional committees and the member of the Board of Studies in various academic institutions.

Dr. Anandharamakrishnan was awarded the prestigious 'ICAR - Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for Outstanding Research in Agricultural Sciences - 2019'. He was awarded Tata Innovation Fellowship 2019-20 by DBT, Government of India. He was also awarded the National Design Award 2019 for outstanding contribution by The Institution of Engineers, National Design and Research Forum. He is also the recipient of the prestigious NASI-Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee Award 2018, Tamil Nadu Scientist Award 2018 and the AIFPA Special Platinum Jubilee Award for Development of Food Processing Technology & Innovation 2018.

He has received several other awards including Dr. B.D.Tilak Chemcon Distinguished Speaker Award 2016 from the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), Dr. M. Sabir Oration Award 2017 by Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Best Director of the year 2018 and Visionary Leader of the Year 2018 by Integrated Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ICCI).

Further details: Personal Home Page (anandharamakrishnan.com)