Sugumar Anandakumar is a scientist of Food Process Engineering at Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT). He obtained his doctoral degree in Food and Agricultural Process Engineering from Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Anandakumar served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Biotechnology, College of Marine Science and Technology, State of Eritrea, N.E Africa for three years. He taught different courses such as Unit Operation in Food Engineering, Post Harvest Technology of Fish and Fishery Products, Food Canning and Food packaging.
He has designed and developed small scale equipments like Continuous type Counter Current Foam Mat Dryer, Solar Packed Bed Dryer, Rotary Washer and Solar Desalination System. He has published over thirty papers in National and International Journals and Proceedings of National and International Conferences.
His area of research and teaching interests are Design and Development of Processing Equipments, Development of Packaging Materials and Analyzing the Quality of Food Produce by Non Destructive Methods.
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