Dr. E. Arunkumar

Dr. E. Arunkumar
Assistant Professor (C)
Specialization :Nutraceuticals and human health
Dr. Arunkumar has a successful track record comprising experience, commitment, and high impact publications in understanding basic molecular mechanisms, conducting studies with diabetic animals and drugs. Dr. Arunkumar has published 10 articles in peer-reviewed journals and with the citation of 199 and has an h-index of 7. As a doctoral student, Dr. Arunkumar has focused on the insulin sensitizing effect of genistein in mice fed with high calorie diet and their potential to combat metabolic abnormalities like obesity and type 2 diabetes. During his graduate carriers, Dr. Arunkumar have been awarded prestigious national fellowship named "Research fellowships in Sciences for Meritorious students” award from UGC during the 2010-13 year. During his post-doctoral period, he has been offered in NIH funded grant, in which he has involved in elucidating the mechanisms by which L-cysteine and vitamin D in upregulation of the signaling cascade involved in GSH synthesis, glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity using both cell models (monocytes, adipocytes) and in high fat diet fed mice and type 2 diabetic patients.