Dr. S. Chittibabu
Faculty Profile

Dr. S. Chittibabu
Adjunct Faculty
Specialization : Process Engineering and Design
Dr.S.Chittibabu joined as Adjunct Faculty at IIFPT from July 2018. He received his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Madras University, M.Tech in Chemical Plant Design from National Institute of Technology, Trichy and Ph.D from Anna University Chennai. He has so far one year of Industrial Experience and 18 years of Teaching experience. He is also serving as technical consultant in the area of energy conservation and management and Fire safety aspects to process industries. He has many international publications in reputed peer reviewed journals. He is life member of professional bodies like Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Institution of Engineers (India), and Indian society for technical Education.
Research interests
.Ethanol production from agro residues .Extraction of cellulose nano crystals from biomass and application in food processing industries. .Educational psychology and teaching – learning skills
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