Capacity building is an important component of PMFME Scheme. Under the Scheme, it is envisaged to provide training to food processing entrepreneurs, various groups, such as, SHGs/ FPOs/ Cooperatives, workers and other stake holders connected with the implementation of the scheme such as government officials, project officials etc.

Revised Capacity Building Guidelines dated 02.09.2022

State Nodal Agency would play crucial role in implementation of Capacity Building of Food Processing Enterprises. Some of the specific responsibilities are indicated below:

  • iOverall coordination and monitoring of the capacity building component implementation in state along with SLTIs and other supporting agencies
  • Designate District level training Agencies, Nomination of Master Trainers and Trainers
  • Organize Training of District level trainers (DLT) and Training of Beneficiaries (ToB)
  • Preparation/ customization of state relevant training modules, dubbing or reproduction of audio video content into the regional languages
  • Mobilization of beneficiaries and co-ordination with NIFTEM-T/ NIFTEM-K/ SLTI & other Technical Institutes for capacity building activities
  • Reporting the progress in capacity building activities to NPMU and respective National institutes (NIFTEM-T/NIFTEM-K) from time to time and evaluation of the capacity building training programs
Training of Beneficiaries - Target (2022-23)
Guidelines for Engagement of Private Training providers by SNA
  1. Guidelines for Engagement of Private Agency dt 19/01/2022
  2. Expression of Interest - Private training partner

 Download Reports:

1. Qualified Master Trainers List

2. Qualified Domain specific DLT List

3. Qualified EDP List as updated on portal

4. Approved TP data display