NIFTEM-T has a world class hi-tech food testing laboratory accredited by National Accreditation Board For Testing And Calibration Laboratories Under ISO/IEC 17025:2017. We have experienced and quality scientific and technical man power in the food testing laboratory with world class analytical equipments and high quality man power, our food testing laboratory is one of its kind and unique in serving the food industries, research institutes and other stake holders in areas of food processing.
Our Food Testing Laboratory is equipped to analyse the Physico-chemical characteristics of Food materials including raw materials and finished products. We have wide range of equipments to analyse Food composition, Textural properties, Viscosity, Elemental analysis and Toxin analysis in Food grains, Water analysis and phytochemical analysis in Fruits and Vegetables. Samples from different industries like Food Processing Industries, Edible Oil industries, Exporters & Importers and Pharma and Biotech industries and sent to us for analysis. The samples are analysed with the standard protocols like AOAC, AACC and BIS standards.
The food testing industry worksclosely with manufacturers to ensure that all products are scientificallytested and proved to be safe for human consumption at a variety of stages, fromraw material to production line, to finished product. Food testing can covermany aspects of the food manufacturing process. Most commonly, a common set ofscientific techniques are used to analyse, assess and record the safety andviability of a product in terms of microbiological stability and chemical composition.
Food Testing Laboratory supports regulatory analysis of food and agri products. We Assists the food industry commissions for nutritional labeling, food safety evaluations, and trace analysis and shelf life studies. We also offering consultancy for setting up of Quality Testing Laboratory in Food processing and allied industries. We also are providing hands on training in various hi-tech equipment.
Products Tested
The multivariate products sent to ourlaboratory for analysis include: processed food products, fruits &vegetables, beverages, spices, pulses & cereal foods, confectionery, meat& meat products, milk & milk products, water, medicinal plants, seaweedsand pharmaceutical drugs.
Analytical Services
The following different qualities in foodsamples can be analysed in our food testing laboratory: proximal analysis byAOAC, water and fat soluble vitamins by HPLC, food additives by HPLC, amino acidsprofile by HPTLC, trace analysis, pesticide residues analysis by GC-MS and HPLC,drug residues, antibiotic residues, mycotoxin analysis by HPLC and HPTLC, determinationof Secondary metabolites by GC-MS, determination of flavonoids by HPLC andHPTLC method, element analysis in water and foods by (ICP-OES), analysis offood texture, viscosity measurement by rapid visco analyser, determination ofMAP gases by GC –TCD, food adulterants by AOAC method, fatty acids profile byGC-MS, seaweed analysis, nutritional labeling of food products, estimation ofantioxidant activity, microbiological analytical services
Students Projects
M.Sc, M.Phil. and Ph.D. students fromdifferent institutions are permitted to do their research work in our lab
We offer short term training in handlingof equipment like GC-ECD/FPD, GC-MS, HPLC, HPTLC, ICP-OES, Rapid Visco Analyserand Food Texture Analyser to students and others.
Consultancy Services
Consultancy is offered for the setting upof quality testing laboratory in modern rice mills, oil industries, foodindustries, mineral water analysis and fruit processing industries. We alsoprovide turn-key-project for setting up of quality testing laboratories.
Laboratory Facilities
Analytical instruments and equipmentinclude:
- UV spectrophotometer
- flame photometer
- colorimeter
- gas chromatography(GC)
- gas chromatography mass spectrophotometer (GC-MS)
- inductively coupledplasma optical emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES)
- high pressure liquidchromatography (HPLC)
- high pressure thin layer chromatography (HPTLC)
- foodtexture analyser
- rapid visco analyser
- rotary vaccum evaporator
- microwavedigestor
Staff Members
PhD Scholars
Pratheepa V
Title of the Research Work: Study on inactivation of Salmonella on selected spices and its products
Mamatha Rani R
Title of the Research Work: In-situ enrichment of folates in fruit juice
Sumit Kumar
Title of the Research Work: Exploring the Potential Utilization of Waste Generated from Tomato Processing Industry